Working Smarter


We all know that working harder is a dead-end street. The only way to remain successful is succeeding in working smarter. This involves understanding the soul (core) of working smarter and implementing effective strategies for improvement.


In short: you have two key personal resources: your energy and your time. That’s all. Working smart is to spend your energy and time as wisely as possible. Achieving your goals with the minimum use of energy and time.


Managing your Energy and Time is the most important and also one of the most challenging skills. It is not easy to manage two core assets in different dimensions at the same time.

Suboptimal control in the Energy dimension eventually will lead to tiredness, decreasing engagement, and even an urge to escape (quit). Poor time management can lead to missed deadlines and low productivity, which is a serious risk to your career. You can however master this skill if you follow the right learning path (see picture below). 


We all know that working harder is a dead-end street. The only way to remain successful is succeeding in working smarter. This involves understanding the soul (core) of working smarter and implementing effective strategies for improvement.


In short: you have two key personal resources: your energy and your time. That’s all. Working smart is to spend your energy and time as wisely as possible. Achieving your goals with the minimum use of energy and time.


Managing your Energy and Time is the most important and also one of the most challenging skills. It is not easy to manage two core assets in different dimensions at the same time.

Suboptimal control in the Energy dimension eventually will lead to tiredness, decreasing engagement, and even an urge to escape (quit). Poor time management can lead to missed deadlines and low productivity, which is a serious risk to your career. You can however master this skill if you follow the right learning path (see picture below). 


(1) You can work harder, however only for a short term. Soon you will run out of Energy and/or Time. The only sustainable way forward is to work smarter.

(2) More than 100 years ago Lord Kelvin already knew that you cannot rely on your memory or judgement.
“If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it”

(3) The learning journey stops when measures are used as a management tool. The objective is not to have a high score, the objective is to learn.

Conclusion: you need to work smarter if you want to remain successful, and the best way to achieve this is a learning method where you can measure and monitor your progress.

(1) You can work harder, however only for a short term. Soon you will run out of Energy and/or Time. The only sustainable way forward is to work smarter.

(2) More than 100 years ago Lord Kelvin already knew that you cannot rely on your memory or judgement.
“If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it”

(3) The learning journey stops when measures are used as a management tool. The objective is not to have a high score, the objective is to learn.

Conclusion: you need to work smarter if you want to remain successful, and the best way to achieve this is a learning method where you can measure and monitor your progress.


You & ForeF

The learning method of ForeF is called 4F. It has several unique feature you will not find in any other method: the SmartScore, EnergyScore and TimeScore. 

During the learning journey you will get a comprehensive report with the scores outlined in powerful graphs, detailing how smart you spent your energy and time. Each graph delivers new insights in what went well and options for improvement. 

It is a fun way towards working smarter: get more done, have more fun and remain successful.

You &

The learning method of ForeF is called 4F. It has several unique feature you will not find in any other method: the SmartScore, EnergyScore and TimeScore. 

During the learning journey you will get a comprehensive report with the scores outlined in powerful graphs, detailing how smart you spent your energy and time. Each graph delivers new insights in what went well and options for improvement. 

It is a fun way towards working smarter: get more done, have more fun and remain successful.