Working Smarter

the Soul and Strategy

Dead-end street

We all know that working harder is a dead-end street. The only way to remain successful is succeeding in working smarter. This requires insights in what smartness is (the soul) and how to improve (the strategy).

The Soul

The mission of ForeF is to improve smartness in the workplace, and hence to achieve your professional goals with minimal use of your assets. You bring two key assets to the workplace, your Energy and your Time. Since we can only use them once (you cannot spend the same energy and time twice) we better allocate them wisely.

The Strategy

Below you find a simple decision tree for the best strategic path on your learning journey.

(1) You can overcome your work-related challenges by working harder, however only for a short term. Soon you will run out of Energy and/or Time. The only sustainable way forward is to work smarter.

(2) Already more than 100 years ago Lord Kelvin outlined that “if you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it”. Our memory does not serve us very well, so the narrative will be incomplete and therefore not very useful. This is why ForeF invented the SmartScore which is your personal indicator how well you spend your Energy and Time.

(3) It is important to outline that the learning journey stops when indicators are used to as a management tool to measure performance. The objective is not to have a high score, the objective is to learn.

You and ForeF

ForeF will be your partner during a set of 4 improvement cycles. During this period ForeF delivers the training, tooling, guidance, support and reports. However, you (the Participant) are the best person to analyse the outcome, distract the learnings and define the improvement actions. Each cycle takes one week, so you will know very quickly whether these actions were successful.

During this learning period you will sharpen your antennas so you can avoid energy drains and time spills. In short, you will work Smarter, have more Fun (sound energy balance) and get more Done (time well spent).