Return on Investment


Below you find some thoughts on how to calculate the Return Of Investment (ROI). Although it is a challenge to quantify all results, it will be clear the Miles offers an impressive ROI.


A ROI has two components, the cost and the benefit. Thanks to the active role of the learner, the cost can be kept on a friendly level. The price of a 3+1 learning journey (one month) is only €495 ,-


Many of today’s workplace problems can be related to poor energy (Fun) and time (Focus) management. The power of Miles is that it measures your Fun and Focus so you can learn from yourself how to grow your Flow in a safe, data-driven, and personal way. 

Possible Fun actions
  • Reviewing what is causing the energy drain
  • Asking help from co-workers on this specific task
  • Make sure you are better trained
  • Have a meaningful conversations with your manager
  • etc.
Positive Impact on:
  • Pleasure
  • Performance
  • Engagement
  • Risk of sick leave
  • Job turnover
Possible Focus actions
  • Realistic Planning
  • Disciplined task boxing
  • Removing distractions
  • Avoid ‘hobbyisme’
  • etc
Positive Impact on:
  • Performance
  • Stress levels
  • (internal) Customer Satisfaction
  • Career opportunities


It is impossible to give an ROI for your specific situation, however we can give an example.

Take a professional who earns 60.000 a year with an initial Flow score of 5 and a final score of 6. This makes an improvement of 20% which is significant in terms of happiness, engagement, productivity, reduced sick leave, lower risk of quitting etc. For the overall benefit one probably cannot multiply the 20% with 60.000, but it is clear that the benefits in money terms are considerably. It therefore is fair to say that with an investment of only 495,- the ROI will be >>100%